Sneaky, sneaky. If something seems to easy, odds are it’s probably too good to be true. Our heroes don’t know what they’re in for. You might want to bring some insect repellant this Thursday…
If you were at this past weekend’s Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo, and managed to swing by Rove’s booth, thanks! It was a seriously great time, and we did our best to spread the word on Terminals. Next stop… San Diego!
UPDATE: Who wants some TERMINALS postcards? We’ll sign ‘em and send ‘em right to your door if you want ‘em! We’ll even send a bunch if you want to spread the word. Email your info to terminalscomic at gmail dot com. Thanks!
Wynn? A genius? I’m sorry to disappoint you, Swarm, but he didn’t say anything about a swarm of bees covering you up. He could have been wanting to do something entirely different. Use the bees to sting the guards to death, or something….
I love panel 3! Great page.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get comfortable with even the concept of you…” my vote for best line of all time.
Swarm sure can’t bee-hive
And that folks is the lamest pun you ever heard
I am loving the “Scooby Doo” -ish head lineup around the door frame.
@Joob – Just shows how in sync those two are. Romantic.
@Lizeelou, Matt – Thank you
We love it too! I’m definitely a big Scooby Doo guy, that panel is surely inspired by it. I’m totally warming up to the idea of a Bear/Zombie Scooby Doo spin-off… Ben? Where you at? Wanna do it?
@Flip-A-Baby – Thank you! That is a wonderful compliment and I’m glad you noticed. It was my favorite part of writing this page.
@Das – Wasp was that? I didn’t hear you…
I’m down for the spinoff. Jinksies!
Also, is this the first time we’ve heard Zombie speak? you know, like actual words?
@Ben – Sorta, not really. Back in issue #1 he said three words. This is as far as he goes really…