I like to call this page Exposition: Or: A Letterer’s Dream.
So our “heroes” now know why they are here: to stop the team before them, who’ve now gone banana-jam-nuts. This, dear readers, is not the “big twist” I’ve been pushing. Oh, it’s going to be one hell of an issue when you get to the last page. So the question I pose to you is, where do they go from here?
As always, thank you for reading and spreading the word, and for your comments. If you haven’t checked Terminals out of Facebook, whatchu waitin’ for? Go here. Now.
Wow! Another fantastic page. I absolutely love this comic. I’m just so excited to see what happens. Great job and to answer your question where they should go is to save Bear. I miss him.
I like Wynn’s face in the last panel.
“Oh, shit. We have to fight them? We’re doomed.”
What’s on Kirk’s glasses, on the right lens? Looks like a drop.
I hope Wynn already knew the reason of the program and he just wanted confirm.
That was quite obvious, in the end.
That was a lot of words. But revealing.
@MaxArt – Obvious to us, sure, it’s even been in the official synopsis. Imagine it from the team’s perspective though, this would come as a bit of a surprise. It’s been one hell of an emotional night for them.
I’m giddy with anticipation for when the “bomb drops” soon…