Can somebody say cat fight? Just wait until Monday when Swarm brings out the blow up kiddie pool and maple syrup.
We’re moving forward now, dear readers. You’ve been privy to the past on-goings of Project: Aquinas, the para-human program. The inception-esque flashbacks are done (for now) and Bullit’s gonna throw his shirt back on (boo).
So buckle up, tuck in your socks, shotgun a couple hundred mL’s of Pepto, change your answering machine message, set your email auto-responder, leave the bag of dog food open, sign that will that’s been collecting dust on that old JC Penny catalogue, turn the outside water pipes off, repent, sign that organ donor card, pack an extra dose of Mylanta and hold on to your meat handles, because the fun hasn’t even begun to begin.
No, the fun comes with 5 easy payments of $49.99.
I think you ment telepathic, as telekinetic can move things with there minds not read minds.
And what to do with the new guys body, or will he come back like the last one. Maybe rebuild him as part machine.
@Daymon – Alakazam, alakazoom, presto change-o new file upload-o! I learned that little trick back in Hogwarts. Good school. No hogs nor warts though.
You bring to light an interesting dilemma I was faced with when writing this scene in particular; there are/were two versions of this page, one with ‘telepath’, one with ‘telekinetic’ – the dilemma being that Savvy is, in fact, both. But how do you group two similar-yet-vastly-different abilities into one word? So we chose to go with ‘telepath’ given the context of the page.
Daymon, you win again. You always do. But we love you man, thanks for your continual support!
i am in love with this its a thosand times better than ultimate X-men keep’um comin
@Ryan Ferrier: Telenaut? ^^ more seriously, how about a tele-dynamic? has a nice ring to it.
That was great. Good job on picking that up, I wouldn’t have. See you all on Tuesday.
To group both I have seen some people use ‘mentallist’, and I think that is how it is spelled. Mainly used for people with both, if I remember right.
I just wanted to help clear up the confusion, as telekinetics don’t normally read minds. Though given the content I would go with telepath as well.
Probably the simplest solution would be for her to simply call herself an “ESPer”. The term is used often enough for both that it works.
Still loving this. Keep it up!
Thank you so much, Dangerdoll!
Just caught up. Wish I had found it like, a year later, so I could read more.
@num5er, @oyveh, @Byakugan01 and @Toaster of Vengeance – Thank you all so much for the comments, we appreciate them! Hope you keep reading and enjoying!