Not being able to slow down really sucked, hopefully he didn’t feel much. And being part machine can be depressing. And fire girl looks like she got pissed off after getting hurt.
I hope this team is more stable than the others before.
Also, that same panel – the dude with the laser-cannon arm, blowing his brains out – was the catalyst for this entire series. Rove and I joked over dinner that we would end up doing that should we be outfitted with such a device.
Woah, heavy. No wonder they didn’t tell the new guys.
I’m guessing SD stands for Speed Demon?
Not being able to slow down really sucked, hopefully he didn’t feel much. And being part machine can be depressing. And fire girl looks like she got pissed off after getting hurt.
I hope this team is more stable than the others before.
The blue bomber dude there HAS to be based on Mega Man. Tell me I’m right Ryan and make my nerd-day.
@Ben – You’re very right, sir.
Also, that same panel – the dude with the laser-cannon arm, blowing his brains out – was the catalyst for this entire series. Rove and I joked over dinner that we would end up doing that should we be outfitted with such a device.
Oh that’s bad, I didn’t even connect Mega to the blue dude.
Nice work Mel T. its a play on flash and daredevil.